
Yup, that's me. I have never laughed so hard in a costume in my life. It was a LOT of fun to wear and experience the reactions of my friends. I must say that polyester can be VERY hot when it surrounds your head. I was miserable after the first number and had to pull my head out of the costume to finish the concert. Click HERE and HERE to see the pictures from that night.
I've managed to catch the cold that has been flying around the office and am trying something new to me called Airborne to treat it. So far, it has helped a lot! I feel pretty good and not nearly as weak. You do have to take it every 3 hours which is a pain and it isn't cheap but I'm giving it a college try.
My car is done, apparently the code causing my TCS light to come on is due to low voltage. They cannot find the cause of it at this time, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Me thinks a new battery may be in store soon. The good news is that they aren't charging me to test it, which is nice since I'm no longer under warranty.
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